
Manager Portal

Guard360 helps to manage security operations on the Cloud-management system with actionable insights.


Controlled and secure user access. Improved backoffice panel helps to do operations conveniently.


The update on the report section for reporting, scheduling, security company’s client's amd guard .

Periodic Check

If a client wants to coordinate and locate the guards appointed, periodic check makes it easier.

Guards App

Guards have access with a login to use the mobile app with credentials to check in, submit reports and clock in.

Client Portal

Guard360 permits clients information visible to guards and you can manage multiple projects of a single client.


Create and assign security guards with specific tasks by scheduling the list,easily trackable by reporting.

Mobile Patrol

Guard360 manages to deploy security officers at factual intervals to certify adherence to safety protocols.

Custom Report

Use Guard360 for a customized reporting form to manage and create reports.


Manage guard attendance with multiple live notifications on the dashboard for hours and days.


Guard360 app allows to manage a strong password for access control to your account.

Shift Reports

Shift reports permit the guards confirmation for the shift and locate their live status for extra reassurance.


Manage noticeboard to send notification to guard.Instant pop-ups allow client , managers and guards.


Ticketing to intimate the clients about the payments with shift details, and hours included as an excel sheet.


Dispatch calls from multiple sources and allocate dispatch calls to guards for quick incident response.

Company Setting

Guard360 has a flexible data input to manage time zone for different states and companies.

Calculate Earning

According to shifts, and working hours, clock in and out to calculate the earnings for the day.

Live Tracking

Manage better services with live GPS tracking and check-in or out alerts.